SWINGR Dynamic Seating Unit
PD22 Winner
Category:Furniture - SeatingLocation: Munich, Germany Designer: Daniel Ronge, Sonal Studio, Munich, Germany Manufacturer:Sonal Studio, Munich, Germany
The SWINGR Dynamic Seating Unit is the antitheses of normal static seating.
You know it from normal chairs: As soon as you sit a little longer, you start to move from one position to the other. Neither is really comfortable in the long run. And that’s actually exactly right. In the science of ergonomics there is a saying: “The best sitting position is always the next one”. But why shouldn’t the seating furniture move as well, instead of just the person?
The original idea was to design a swing, as we know it from the garden, as furniture for the interior. Over several years and with the help of various prototypes, the concept of the SWINGR has developed into what it is today. A combination of runners, like those of a classic rocking chair, and a stool suspended above them with a continuous rope, at two points on each side.
This combination of the movements of the rocking chair and rope swing creates a completely new seating experience that still feels familiar. You start swinging naturally and enjoying the feeling. A key feature of the SWINGR’s motion is that the distance between the seated person and the table that they are sitting at, does not change significantly as they are swinging on the chair.
This new freedom of movement promotes dynamic sitting without appearing aesthetically like a typical overengineered office seating machine. But on the contrary. Thanks to its relationship to the swing, the SWINGR is rather light and playful.